Monday, March 2, 2015

If there's one illness all human beings should fear, it's

If there's one illness all human beings should fear, it's cancer. If there's one health affliction all human beings should investigate and become more aware of, it's cancer. This is one of the most dismal health issues we know of, and folks die from it every day. Now, this is not good news. There are no two ways about it. I'm not here to tell you we suddenly have a cure for this relentless illness. I'm simply here to say learn more about it and possible consider devoting a little extra cash to a cancer charity. You never know! It could be you in need of this fund some day. What will you do if you're afflicted with the big C?

Cancer research is imperative at this point. You'd think by now that we'd have a little more to go on than chemotherapy. If you take a moment to consider a major cancer charity, this could be the solution. After all, the more capital we devote to cancer research, the faster we should be able to come up with a remedy. However, nothing can be done without the proper funding. This is always a crucial part of the process. But, what are the major cancer charities? This can be a tough one. I always thought of the breast cancer charity as a major and reputable one, but I then realized something. It only applies to one type of cancer. This may be a bit on the exclusive side for your taste. As you surely already know, there are many types of cancer. I encountered a man in a check-out line one day a few years back, and the cashier asked him if he'd like to donate to the breast cancer charity. He said no with a stern look on his face. He continued with the remark that he had prostate cancer and the breast cancer foundation wouldn't help him one bit. Yikes, that's a bummer. It could make a person bitter. Especially if these charities and foundations are supposedly for those afflicted with cancer.

So far two folks in my family have died from the terrible illness known as cancer. I can't say I fret about it being genetic, because they both lived on a farm and drank pesticide corrupted water everyday. That's never a good plan. Regardless, I do still keep the notion of cancer in the back of my mind. This is an illness that can afflict virtually anyone. So donate to that reputable cancer charity and eat healthy foods to keep your body healthy.

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