Although government jobs are not as popular as they used to be, they are still pretty sweet. The great thing about federal jobs is that you are virtually guaranteed to get good benefits. While it isn't true that you don't have to work in a federal job you definitely do it is true that you won't necessarily have to work as hard as in the private sector. Working for the government allows you to benefit from all sorts of labor standards that aren't necessarily universally applied in corporate jobs. Usually, the 40 hour workweek still applies. You also get outstanding medical coverage, retirement benefits, and the like. All in all, it is not a bad way to work.
Unfortunately, finding a federal job can be a little bit tricky. Federal jobs searches are easy to do, but there is often a long waiting list of people wanting to apply for a particular position. Getting one is often a matter of luck. Having connections will help you, as it will anyway. for example, military veterans have a much easier time getting jobs for the government in general. Many postmasters, as a matter of fact, are military vets. I don't know whether it is a policy decision or just something that happens informally, but for whatever reason if you have served in the Army, it usually makes it easier for you to work for the government.
Of course, some civil service jobs are pretty high stress. Just because they are federal jobs doesn't mean they will be easy. for example, working as a federal law enforcement officer is really difficult. First of all, there is the danger of the job and the long hours. Second of all, you have to deal with a lot of people who don't like police officers. It can really make you bitter very quickly if you don't watch out. It is not the same as working in the DMV or some other cushy federal office job. Still, the pay is very good and the benefits are out of this world.
Some of the best federal jobs are dependent almost entirely on connections. for example, working for a politician is a great job, but you really need to be in his inner circle generally if you want to get it. If you can score a job like that, I highly recommend doing it. The future job prospects are almost limitless.
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