Friday, September 22, 2000

Decorative Switch Plates

The smallest touches in a finished room are often the most important parts of a new dcor. You may not think the small things matter as much, but they can make or break the look that you are trying to achieve. What is good about this is that these touches are often small and inexpensive, you can change them up if you cant get them right, or you change them when you want a difference in the feel of any room without a total makeover. One of these things are decorative switch plates. These are easy, cheap, and you can design them on your own.

You can find decorative switch plates almost anywhere you get things for the home. There are plastic ones that are very inexpensive, and there are some made with wood or metals that you will have to pay a bit more for. However, over all, any type is good and you are not going to spend a huge amount on them. They are often simple to install, and the screwdriver you have in your utility drawer is usually all that you need to get them up quickly as safely.

You can find your style by choosing among the hundreds of different designs and colors you can get on decorative switch plates. There are some that are a single color, and they go well with a very simple room design. You can get some with patterns to liven up a room, or you can get some with a theme when doing childrens or play rooms. If you have touches of wood in your room, and you arent sure about color, wood decorative switch plates are always good touches that work well no matter what.

When you are painting or wallpapering a room, you should always take down your old wall switches before you start. You want to paint or paper as close to the switch as possible. That way, when you add your decorative switch plates, there is no showing of a paint or paper line. In some cases, you can make your own switch plates by painting them to match the walls, or in a complimentary color, our you can paper them as well. It may take some practice, but you can do your decorative switch plates on your own so they are truly your own personal touch. That will truly help your room feel like your own true creation of which you can be proud.

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