Saturday, September 23, 2000

Electric Wall Sconces

Electric wall sconces have been used as porch lights for as long as I can remember, but for many families this is as far as goes. A lot of my friends have houses l almost entirely by overhead lights, with a table lamp here and there for decoration. They don't even consider more unconventional lighting schemes. I think that this is a shame, personally. Electrical wall sconces add a touch of flare and drama to your home, and are surprisingly practical sources of light.

One of the great things about electric wall sconces is that they work better than anything else for illuminating dark corners. In the house I grew up in, for example, there was always a shadow in the hall corner behind the downstairs bathroom door. Because of the way that the door opened, there was no way to put a table lamp there. After all, people would have always been hting . There really wasn't a good place to put an overhead light eher. The room was light enough, after all, except for that one corner. That is why my parents decided to get an electric wall sconce.

That is when I formed my current high opinion of electric wall sconces. That sconce worked like a dream. What had been a gloomy corner, fading into the background, was now a bright and cheerful one. Not only did that corner look better, but the whole hallway looked a lot better as a result. People even commented to my parents about . They were proud of doing the work by themselves.

Some people actually prefer candle sconces over electric wall sconces. I know, because I am one of them. Nonetheless, the candle sconce has some pretty bad design flaws that tip the scale in the favor of electric sconces. They release smoke which can blacken the wall, and they are disturbingly easy to tip over and start a fire. They make great decorations, but aren't really all that safe to burn.

Electric wall sconces, by contrast, are que durable and safe. They usually are fairly low power, so even bad wiring is rarely a problem. They also provide que a b more light than tradional candle holders do. And even though they do not flicker like candles, electric wall sconces can still be romantic. Getting one with a lovely, stained-glass design will really help you and your special someone set the mood.

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