Friday, September 22, 2000

In the dating over 50 group? It's a much different

In the dating over 50 group? It's a much different scene than young people!

If you've passed the big 5-0 and are looking for a date, it's a whole new world out there. Whether you've never married, not having found the 'right' one, or have recently divorced, when you get into the dating over 50 scene, it's certainly not the same as when you were 18! When you're still in your teens, dates are much more casual, in the sense that you're not necessarily looking for a long term relationship. How cute or cool that guy or gal may be is more of a priority in your teens than when you're older.

If you're beyond the age of 50, you'll probably spend a little more time and thought deciding what you want out of a dating relationship, which incidentally, is a smart move. You're more likely to strike a balance between a physically attractive person and a lively and entertaining personality with whom you share common interests.

If you're divorced and over 50 or thereabouts just the idea of getting into the dating over 50 scene may seem like a preposterous idea. Dating? Hey, why not? Divorce makes many people gun-shy, especially when you're just a tad older. Think of it this way: you probably have a number of friends of the opposite sex who are also now single. For example, I knew a woman who was almost 70, having been divorced for about 15 years, never having dated another man since. She was a busy school teacher and Mom. Her plate was chock full.

After her kids were grown and out of the nest, she began using her summer vacations to travel, visiting more continents than anyone I'd ever known. She met lots of interesting people, but wasn't looking for a 'love match'. She kept in touch with friends she'd made overseas, with letters and postcards and even used email to correspond. Along about the time she turned 70, a man of about her age, of Russian descent, began asking her over for dinner dates. Although he wasn't Cary Grant, she seemed to find him a fascinating conversationalist and good friend. They became an 'item', with dinner dates, card games, travel expeditions and chess matches. Although they never married, they dated for several years, until she passed on. I know they both derived great satisfaction in this ultimate dating over 50 scenario.

One of the advantages of the dating over 50 scene is that older people generally have more well developed personalities some might say 'set in their ways', intellectual interests and well established patterns of activity. If your date loves the ballet, horseback riding, is a movie buff or whatever, it's not likely that it's just a passing fancy. Mutual interests are important and you're more likely to find greater authenticity at this age than in a 20 year old. The experience and wisdom most people acquire with age is another plus.

In summary, as you contemplate dating over 50, be realistic about your objectives. Are you looking for a casual relationship, or are you seeking a spouse? Be on the lookout for 'gold diggers' or those looking for a 'trophy mate' to overcome their mid-life crises. On the other hand, don't be too paranoid. After all, you've got a degree of experience and wisdom to guide you.

As to where to meet people, that's easy. Attend activities and events you truly enjoy. Accept invitations from friends and neighbors for get-togethers and back yard barbecues. Strike up conversations with people you find attractive and interesting. Dating over 50 can be a lot more fun than that teenage romance ever was!

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