Saturday, September 23, 2000
Save Money with Fake Designer Handbags
When I was single and debt-free, I used to love treating myself to expensive Prada purses, Gucci wallets, and other high-end fashion accessories. It felt good to carry these items around, and I have to admit that I enjoyed getting all those envious stares from other women. But now that I've got kids to take care of and a mortgage to pay off, I simply can't afford to spend all this extra money on name-brand products. Fortunately, that doesn't mean I have to give up my beloved purses altogether; I just have to content myself with fake designer handbags instead of the real things.
Of course, fake designer handbags are not a new concept at all. These knockoff purses have been around for decades, and give women all over the world a chance to own a fabulous accessory without going broke in the process. The good news for us budget-conscious fashionistas is that fake designer handbags have become extremely sophisticated these days. In fact, good knockoff bags are practically undetectable to all but the most practiced eye, making them a smart buy for those who want the runway look without the astronomical price tag.
That's not to say that you should purchase any old Coach or Fendi fake designer handbags that you see for sale online. There are several worthwhile tips you need to keep in mind before making any buying decisions. For example, you should always try to examine the bag before you buy it so you can check out the stitch quality and alignment, as well as other details such as logo and hardware placement. You'll also want to get a look at the lining while you're at it. These are the most readily apparent giveaways when it comes to fake designer handbags, so it's important that these details match the originals as closely as possible.
If you're buying your fake designer handbags online, then you likely won't have any way to examine the items before forking over your cash. In that case, I would spend time reading reviews from other shoppers (preferably from an independent website rather than in the "testimonials" section of the store's own site) to see what they thought of the product quality. I would also try contacting the retailer directly in order to ask questions about their products, as well as their return policy in case you don't like what you get.
I've been carrying around fake designer handbags inspired by luxury brands for years now, and am very pleased with the experience. I've been able to purchase quality replicas at a fraction of what the authentic purses and wallets cost, and no one (outside a few close friends) is any the wiser. Who says luxury has to be expensive? High-quality fake designer handbags are the way to go!
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