Saturday, September 30, 2000

Spit Card Game

I first learned how to play the card game spit from my older sister. She was an absolute demon at it, but I didn't mind losing to her. The spit card game was the perfect game for me. It was fast-paced, physical, fun and entertaining, and just strategic enough to get me thinking. If you've never learned the rules of how to play the spit card game, You missed out on something really elegant. Basically, your goal is to get rid of all of your cards. You do that by putting them face up on a pile in the middle of the table in order of sequence. The catch is that there are no turns. Everyone counts to three and then says spit. After that, it's sort of a free for all. If you can put your cards down before the other guy does, he doesn't get to put his down at all.

We would never start to play the spit card game with a new deck of cards. After all, once we started playing skit with them, they wouldn't last very long anyway. Instead, we would take an old deck that was almost on its last legs. It didn't matter if the cards were marked, bent, or broken. You only had them in your hands for a second anyway. Sometimes, you would end up putting down a card at exactly the same time as someone else would. When that happened, both cards would get bent. Occasionally, this would even lead to fighting, but mostly we were able to resolve it peacefully. After all, the spit card game was so quick that you could always just play another game.

I must have played hundreds of spit card games with my siblings. Until we learned how to play spades, it was our very favorite game in the world. Even after we learned spades, hearts, and a few other ones, we still liked to play spit. My dad was never very into it, however, so eventually we stopped playing in order to share a more family-friendly game. Even so, when it was just us kids around for the night, We would always pull out an old, battered deck of cards and start playing the spit card game.

In this day of online solitaire, I sometimes worry that a lot of people are losing the opportunity to enjoy the game of cards face-to-face. Playing cards by yourself is alright if you have to kill some time, but there is nothing that beats the thrill of competition. Games like spit card game combine chance and skill in equal proportion, making for one of the most exciting experiences you can have.

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