Thursday, September 21, 2000

Tired of the same old menus? Broaden your horizons and

Tired of the same old menus? Broaden your horizons and menu choices with cooking classes!

Whether you're used to take out and prepared foods, or have just fallen into a rut, serving the same menus over and over again, maybe it's time to expand your repertoire. With food prices being what they are, we can all appreciate some extra value from our shopping. A few new skills and recipes makes your dining experience more satisfying. If you've been relying on take out and ready made foods, you can eat better and cheaper by learning how to make some of these dishes yourself. Cooking classes are becoming ever more popular, for all of these reasons. Let's see what some of your options are.

Most people have a favorite cuisine, such as Italian, Chinese or German food. Maybe your weakness is for more obscure cuisines, such as Greek, Moroccan or Caribbean dishes. Instead of waiting for your monthly indulgence at your favorite restaurant, why not enroll in a cooking class and learn the secrets for yourself? Cooking classes that focus on a particular cuisine can have you cooking some authentic and fairly exotic dishes by the end of the class!

If you'd like to enhance your knowledge of cooking techniques, there are classes in this cooking area as well. Most cooks have not a clue as to how to braise, much less why you might want to do this. Poaching? It's not just for eggs. How do you keep that Hollandaise sauce from separating? How do you make a flaky pie crust? Like tempura? Save some money with the simple techniques required to make your own.

Cooking classes in artisan bread baking are quite popular now. While you can purchase these delicious breads, they are a bit expensive and you're limited to a few types the grocery bakery stocks. You'll find classes that teach you how to make them, by hand or in a bread maker. You'll learn what types of yeast work best, the proportions of various flours to use and which ingredients complement certain entrees. Learn how to make a spicy Jalapeno French loaf, Roquefort bread or authentic sourdough.

Most cooks are proficient in entrees or desserts, but usually not both. If baked goodies and desserts aren't your thing, there's a class to take the mystery out of this type of cooking. Mastering the sweet treats can give you a great sense of accomplishment, as well as saving you lots of money. You'll also learn how to modify recipes for special dietary needs.

Learning how to make sauces is one way to step up from ordinary cook to gourmet cook. Have you been frustrated by soup and stew recipes, which never seem to come out properly thickened? Take a class and learn how to produce perfect results every time. Making salads seems a simple endeavor, but you can learn all the tricks to salad perfection at salad cooking classes, from seasoning your bowl to creating elegant garnishes and superior hand made dressings, just like the pros.

You may get into cooking classes in a big way, particularly when family members and guests give you rave reviews on your impressive cooking skills. Then, it's on to haute cuisine and cooking vacations!

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