Sunday, October 1, 2000

How to stop panic attacks and break that cycle of

How to stop panic attacks and break that cycle of fear!

If you have experienced a panic attack, you know that this is a frightening event! Worse yet, panic attacks, also known as panic disorder, can become cyclic in nature; that is, the symptoms are so severe, it's something you don't want to go through again. The fear of such an event can trigger another. Modern medicine has not yet pinpointed the precise cause. Panic disorder requires a multi-pronged approach to effective treatment. There are medications which can help reduce your general level of anxiety, which can be helpful in preventing panic attacks. However, your goal is to stop panic attacks from recurring.

First, what is a panic attack? Most often, they come out of the blue, with no warning, or readily identifiable reason. Unfortunately, triggers may be subtle. Major life events, such as getting married, getting divorced, having a child or losing a loved one can trigger panic attacks, beginning at a subconscious level. Statistically, panic attacks tend to surface in late adolescence or early adulthood, but may appear at any time during your life. Studies have determined that panic attacks often run in families, so if one of your parents has suffered this disorder, you too, might be vulnerable, particularly when you're under great stress.

Classic symptoms of a panic attack include a rapid increase in heart beat, with palpitations, a feeling of tightness in the chest, neck and throat, difficulty breathing, along with a choking sensation. You might also begin to sweat profusely, with uncontrollable trembling, feeling nauseous and alternately hot and cold. Perhaps most frightening is the fact that panic attacks might occur in situations where you normally feel comfortable and safe, which only serves to underline your fears of future panic attacks.

Now, how to stop panic attacks? If you have already experienced a panic attack, your best bet is to have a brown paper bag handy. Fold the neck of the bag, leaving enough room for you to breathe into the bag. Take slow, even breaths, inhaling and exhaling. This will stop an ongoing attack within about 2-3 minutes. Keep a bag in your purse, pocket, car and bedroom, so you don't waste time finding one when you need it. Knowing that you have a remedy at hand, to get you out of this dreadful loop, may also psychologically be helpful in preventing some panic attacks.

Food allergies are implicated in the genesis of some panic attacks as well. This is something you'll want to discuss with your doctor in your efforts to stop panic attacks from recurring.

There are also many foods that you should include in your diet which help to reduce anxiety and promote calmness. Vegetables proven to help stop panic attacks, when eaten regularly, include onions, carrots, beets, asparagus, celery and spinach. Among fruits, avocado, peaches and apricots have the same qualities. Make whole grains, brewer's yeast and wheat germ part of your daily fare. Other foods useful in stopping panic attacks include fish, eggs and garlic. You may want to ask your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist for further direction.

Another simple way to help stop panic attacks from recurring is to adopt a relaxed manner of eating. People who eat too fast, too much and don't chew their food well before swallowing are inviting stress exactly what you don't need! Limit the amount of liquid you drink during a meal as well. More than a cup of liquid can interfere with good digestion, another invitation to stressed organs.

Along with a well balanced diet and good eating habits, you may want to talk to your doctor about taking supplements of certain nutrients which will help reduce anxiety and thus be an aid to stop panic attacks. Magnesium maintains a healthy heart muscle, relaxes other muscles throughout your body and promotes healthy blood vessels. A deficiency of magnesium can result in anxiety, nervousness, insomnia and even depression.

Calcium regulates the formation of bone, nerve transmission, muscle contraction and a host of other body system functions. A deficiency of calcium can feed into nervousness, irritability, insomnia, depression and heart palpitations.

The B-complex vitamins are essential for sustained energy, a healthy nervous system and help you to relax when you're feeling stressed. Again, a deficiency of certain of the B-complex can produce irritability, nervousness, insomnia, depression and a feeling of always being tired.

It's easy to see how all of these factors can help you to stop panic attacks from becoming a regular part of your life.

When you see your doctor, in addition to a referral to a nutritionist, you may want to ask to see a therapist as well, particularly if you've recently gone through a major life event, or have already had several episodes of panic attacks. A qualified therapist who specializes in anxiety and panic attack disorders can get to the root of the problem on a psychological level.

To successfully stop panic attacks, it's essential to get the right medical care, as well as make dietary changes. The best of luck to you!

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