Monday, October 2, 2000
On a diet? Tightening loose skin while losing weight
When you embark on a diet, your goal is two-fold. First, you want to lose weight. Second, you want to tone up. Dieters often ask, How can i tighten loose skin after losing weight? The simple answer is to tighten that loose flabby skin that results in a weight loss program during, not after losing weight. That's the best approach. While you can deal with that loose, flabby and unattractive aftermath, tightening loose skin while losing weight is easier and brings a more gratifying result. Why prolong your weight loss program? Tightening loose skin while losing weight kills two birds with one effort.
When you're dieting, calculating your body mass index (BMI) can provide clues as to the level and type of exercise you'll need in tightening loose skin while dieting. Naturally, the more fat you've got to get rid of, the more of the flabby skin effect you should expect. Here's the formula:
1.Your height, in inches, times itself.
2.Your weight, in pounds, times 703.
3.Divide the result of step 2 by the result of step 1.
The result is your BMI. A BMI of 25 29.9 means you are overweight. A result of 30 or more is classified as obese. For example, if your BMI is 25, the task of tightening loose skin while losing weight should not be too arduous. However, if it calculates out at 30 or above, you'll want to implement a fairly rigorous exercise program to rid yourself of the loose skin as you reduce your weight.
If you're just slightly overweight, light weight lifting, swimming or aerobics may be all you need to tone your muscles as you lose weight. On the other hand, if your BMI is high, you'll want to get into some daily forms of exercise that puts a little more 'oomph' into getting rid of that excess flab. Taking a martial arts class can provide some incredible results. Qualified martial arts instructors are quite careful to not tax an individual student's body, while maximizing your ability to tone up your body. Talk to your instructor, explaining that one of your objectives is tightening loose skin while losing weight and getting fit. The instructors pay close attention to the needs of each student. Martial arts are fun and, while getting fit, you'll develop skills in self defense as well.
No matter what your BMI or weight, yoga is another option, especially good is you have a health condition that limits movement, such as arthritis. Sign up for a yoga class and stick with it. Yoga movements are neither difficult or strenuous, but tones your muscles in a way that dispenses with the flab automatically, over time.
If you're significantly overweight, joining a gym or buying a weight training video may be the way to go. You'll gradually work up to incrementally increasing the amount of weights you can lift, as well as increasing the time you spend doing your weight training program. Before you go for this option, be sure to clear it with your physician to be sure it's a safe option for you.
Don't worry about tightening loose skin while losing weight. It's certainly doable. You just need to integrate it into your diet program and choose the form of exercise that's right for you. Your doctor is the one who can best advise you. You'll be fit and good looking in the end!
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