Sunday, October 1, 2000

Tattoo And Body Piercing

Owning a tattoo and body piercing studio, I have had a lot of opportunity to observe some pretty interesting and far out folks. Don't get me wrong tattoos and body piercing do appeal to a lot of rather normal people. Just because you want to get your tongue pierced or a tattoo with a picture of your favorite cartoon on your lower back doesn't mean you are out there. Still, the piercing and tattoo lifestyle does attract quite an alternative scene.

One of the thing that fascinates me most is that everyone has a different reason to get into tattoo and body piercing. For a lot of people, it sort of creeps up on them. Many of my clients started with one particular tattoo that they had been thinking about getting for a while. After getting the ink done, they discovered that they enjoyed it. Usually, they got it done the first time by someone who did good work on the tattoo ink design. In addition, most of them sort of like the pain. Tattoo ink can range in sensation from slightly painful to intensely painful depending on where you get the tattoo. For most people, however, the pain is sort of a thrill. It makes the tattoo experience somehow more vivid.

Then again, some people in the tattoo and body piercing scene were always sort of curious about it. It is particularly true for piercers. People into multiple piercings generally have some sort of deep obsession with it. They like everything about it. They like the pain, the healing process, the way the jewelery looks in the hole, and the sensation of having pierced body parts. It is one of those things that is self selecting. Either you are not interested in it and can't understand it or the idea strikes you as intensely interesting and exciting. In other words, people interested in it tend to do it, and people who don't like it stay away from it. You couldn't ask for a more ideal situation.

My favorite clients in the tattoo parlor are the ones whose tattoos and body piercings are part of a story of personal transformation. The other day, I had a tattoo body piercing fan come in who told me that every time she gets new work done on her body, it is because of some meaningful event which happened in her life. Fore example, the first time she got a tattoo and body piercing was when she graduated high school. She got an extra piercing in her ear and a Rose tattoo on her shoulder. She got a tattoo in college when she decided what she wanted to major in, and another when she fell in love. You can sort of read the story of her life on her body, with every tattoo and body piercing forming a new chapter.

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