Sunday, October 1, 2000

The Symptoms of Panic Disorder

There are many different terms out there that describe conditions that revolve around anxiety. They are all a bit different, but they center around the same things. One type that can be a bit harder to deal with is a panic disorder. This disorder can severely limit the quality of life for those that suffer from it, and it can be hard to overcome if you dont know the symptoms of panic disorder and what you can do to get better so you can enjoy your life. You are going to need the help of a therapist in many cases, but you can help yourself out too.

Though only a small percentage of people have this disorder, it can happen to anyone. There are things that can trigger the symptoms of panic disorder that may not be things of which you would think. There are some people that get this through substance abuse. Drugs and drink can do strange things to the mind, and when done far beyond moderation, the symptoms of panic disorder can come about very quickly. Things like this can happen after a traumatic event like serious illness, emotional distress, or being involved in or witnessing an accident of any type.

The symptoms of panic disorder are very easy to pick out. The main one is that someone will have panic attacks, and they go on for at least a month. For some, this can go on for years. That severely impacts quality of life for those that have the symptoms of panic disorder. Panic attacks are not deadly, but they can make someone feel as if they are going to die. Frightening thoughts of death come and go, along with physical symptoms of panic like trouble breathing, shaking, sweating, and sometimes, tingling in the muscles as the body prepares to retreat.

When something happens to someone at a very young age, you can also see the symptoms of panic disorder in children. This can be very scary for the child, and it can also leave parents feeling very helpless. They see their child suffering and they may not know what to do. Teens are prone to this if they have suffered abuse, or if they have been tormented by bullies at school. The reasons that the symptoms of panic disorder can come on are almost endless and are as different as each person experiencing them.

Treatment for the symptoms of panic disorder vary, but there are some things that can help most people. For one, a good therapist is needed to help sort through the reasons for the panic attacks and what triggers them. Before seeing a therapist however, most want to see a psychiatrist to get some type of anxiety mediation into the system. Some even need an anti-depressant for some time. Once the medication has helped even someone out, the therapy can take care of the rest. If you have the symptoms of panic disorder, dont let it go unchecked. Get help and get your life back.

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