Wednesday, October 11, 2000

What To Expect at a Hospital Birth

Those expecting a baby for the first time often wonder what a hospital birth is going to be like for them. Though few women give birth at home, that number is going up. Otherwise, women still mainly choose to opt for a hospital setting to give birth. If you have any type of complications or you are considered high risk, this is the best option for you. Otherwise, explore your options. If you choose the hospital, you may find it is not like you see on television or in the movies. In fact, it is usually far from it.

There are going to be plenty of strangers around you when you go for your hospital birth. You have already chosen who you want to be with you when you give birth like your spouse, mother, friend, or sister, and you know your doctor. However, there are going to be other people present for at least some part of your hospital birth. If you choose to get an epidural for pain relief, someone will be there specifically to administer that for you and will be back time and time again to check on you. That is just the beginning.

You will also have one nurse for your hospital birth, but some times, you may have two nurses. They may change too, as shift changes will bring new nurses. If you are in labor for quite a while, you may see many different nurses. Other hospital employees may come and go as well. If you are giving birth to a preemie, you have to add additional doctors and nurses from the NICU that will be there waiting to care for your baby, and perhaps yet another nurse to assist.

As you can imagine, you have to leave your modesty at the door when you go for a hospital birth. You may worry about having your legs shaved or even if you have showered lately, but those things will be the furthest things from your mind while you are in labor. Various strangers are going to be looking at you and parts of your body that you normally keep to yourself in a hospital birth. This may irk you a bit, but you will also forget about that too. The only thing you will be concentrating on is managing your pain and giving birth to your baby. It's nothing new to them.

A hospital birth and any other birth is much messier than you think. Fluids go everywhere. It is not as clean cut as you may have seen on television. You may even wet yourself or have a bowel movement. Do not be embarrassed by this, as they are expecting you to do it. They may even tell you when it is about to happen from their own experience. It is all part of giving birth. If you want to have some control over any of these parts of a hospital birth or anything else, have a plan in place with your doctor before your due date. You really won't have time to worry about it once the event begins. Just remember, in some cases, you won't have much control if complications arise and you will just have to go with the flow.

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