Thursday, March 12, 2015

Women's plus size clothes are a touchy issue to begin

Women's plus size clothes are a touchy issue to begin with, but no where is it worse for big women than at the beach or the pool. Our society has very rigid ideas about proper body proportions, and so women who have to wear plus size swimwear will feel understandably self conscious about the way that they look. Although many people and many cultures would label them as voluptuous, and think of them as quite beautiful, women in plus size bikinis in our culture are often thought of as simply fat. This is a tragedy, if you ask me. No one should be made to feel bad about him or herself for such a trivial thing as wearing plus size swimwear. It is what is inside that counts, not society's forever changing standard of beauty.

Nonetheless, there is plus size swimwear that really does amazing things to slim and flatter the figure of whoever is wearing it. This has always been one of the central concerns of womens swimwear anyway, and it is especially important to those who wear or design plus size swimwear. This is why plus size bikinis are not one of the most popular items. While one piece plus size swimwear can really have a nice and pleasant slimming effect, this same effect is almost impossible to establish with a bikini. Honestly, there is nothing that plus size swimwear bikinis can do. Their wearers are simply subject to the whims of fashion, and that is that.

A lot of plus size swimwear really makes good use of optical phenomena to make the wearer look thinner. For example, the right application of vertical stripes can simply do wonders for the figure. By contrast, horizontal stripes are right out for anyone who does not want to look like a blimp. They are almost never used in plus size swimwear, because they give exactly the wrong effect, and that is a fact.

Before shopping for plus size swimwear, you should give a thought about what you are using it for. If your plus size swimwear is mostly for the purpose of exercising, then you should just get something plain and functional. A one color bathing suit that feels good on you is more than adequate for exercise. If, however, your plus size swimwear is for hanging out at the beach, then a lot more thought is required. You must think all about fashion.

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