Friday, March 6, 2015

working as a dietitian, many people ask me how to

working as a dietitian, many people ask me how to lose weight fast. Some of them want to know something reasonable like how to lose 10 pounds fast. Assuming that they are overweight, and not already slim to begin with, that type of goal is easy. The difficult cases are the ones that want to do something extreme. Some of them want to know how to lose 30 pounds in 30 days, for example. Other clients are already skinnier than is healthy, but want to lose even more weight. These ones, unfortunately, I have to talk out of their goals.

You see, if you want to understand how to lose weight fast, you have to understand how the body works. The body is a complicated machine, but basically it comes down to this: the heavier you are, the quicker you can lose weight. Everyone knows how to lose weight fast, it is just that many of them want a simpler solution. There's no point in taking up specialized diet plans, when eating healthy and exercising is good enough. Sure, you might lose weight faster by going in for the Atkins diet, but you are bound to put it all back on as soon as you stop dieting. The key isn't just knowing how to lose weight fast, but knowing how to keep that weight off.

If you want to know how to lose weight fast in a way that is healthy, you need to change your lifestyle. You need to cut out junk food entirely for the first few months and make sure you exercise at least three to four times a week. There is no trick to how to lose weight fast. It involves lots and lots of hard work. Paradoxically, though, if you try to cheat and give yourself little rewards, it becomes much more difficult. Take it from me, an acknowledged expert on how to lose weight fast: it is easier to eliminate junk food entirely than to only eat a little bit of it. This is because it is easier to follow a healthy diet plan than to follow one that constantly allows you to go back to old, unhealthy habits. There is no sure guide to how to lose weight fast, but if you eat well and exercise regularly you will find yourself at a healthy weight soon enough. And being healthy is every bit as important as looking good.

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