Saturday, April 4, 2015

Five Bungee Jumping Questions

There are five bungee jumping questions that you need to ask when you decide to go jumping. Here's what they are, and why they matter.

# 1 - How do I want to go bungee jumping? This question will help decide how high off the ground you will be when you do your bungee jump. Do you want to use a commercial crane outfit, or are you looking for something more in tune with nature? Perhaps jumping off of a bridge towards the earth and a running stream of water would be more appealing to your sense of adventure.

# 2 - What club or outfitter will I use? This question is of primary importance, as it relates directly to the safety of the experience you will have. Not all bungee jumping clubs or commercial outfitters are the same. Make sure that the jump team, especially the jump master are all certified. The club or company should participate in a certification program as well. Do your homework here, both with the company and with local governmental offices and consumer advocacy groups such as the Better Business Bureau. Be sure you are selecting a reputable group that abides by the best safety practices out there.

# 3 - What position will I jump in? There are a variety of positions available to most bungee jumpers. First timers will often want to do the swan dive, while more experienced jumpers may prefer a different method. Some outfitters offer what is called the water touchdown. Confident in their abilities to correctly calculate the exact length needed, they provide the opportunity to go into the water at the bottom of a bridge jump. This is best done in an area where the water is fairly deep. Obviously this is a more dangerous jump than the regular bungee jump position. Knowing how you will jump and what to expect will prepare you in advance for your jump (as much as possible).

#4 - How will the recovery be done? It is important to know how you will be retrieved once your jump is over. You don't want to be stuck at the end of the bungee cord, upside down, for a long period of time. Most outfitters will let down a secondary line that you will attach to your harness, allowing them to pull you back up. Some, however, prefer to allow slackening of the bungee cord in order to lower the jumper to the surface. This is, however, a more dangerous method. You should be aware in advance so you can be prepared after the jump.

#5 - How much is this going to cost me? While this shouldn't be a primary determining factor of if you are going through with it or not, you don't want to get ripped off. The average cost of a bungee jump is in the neighborhood of $100, give or take depending on your location. This can sound intimidating, but remember, this is a once in a lifetime experience (even though many participants return over and over to this type of event), and your decision to participate should not be based solely on the cost.

These five bungee jumping questions will assist you in making the best decisions possible on your jump. Don't allow these things to make you timid, just remember, 'Carpe Diem, Sieze the Day!'.

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