Monday, April 6, 2015

Up Close and Personal with LA Tours and Tapings in

Up Close and Personal with LA Tours and Tapings in California

Los Angeles is hugely popular with tourists as well as wannabe celebrities and of course movie stars and it is possible to get closer to the rich and famous if you know where to look. Its even possible to become one of the audience members at a live taping of one of your favorite shows if you know where to look. Heres a sample of what you could experience on your California vacation (note some of these require a little bit of planning before you leave home!).

1. Catalina Adventure Tours

When the glitz of the current movie scene gets too much, take a trip back in time to beautiful Catalina Island. Here youll find a gentler pace to recharge your batteries whilst still keeping touch with Hollywood through the museums and exhibits that proclaim its place in movie history.

2.NBC Studio Tour

This tour lasts about 70 minutes but during that time youll get to see what happens behind the scenes in a TV studio. If youre lucky enough to be there on the right day at the right time, you may even get to see a show being taped.

3.Warner Brother VIP Studio Tour

This is a real gem for movie buffs as visitors are guided through back-lot streets, sound stages and even sets theyll recognize from various productions.

4.Audiences Unlimited Inc

If youd like to see a TV show being taped live, this is the place to contact. Theyll be able to give you info on whats being taped when and where, and perhaps even supply you with tickets!

5.Check out Jay and the Tonight Show Team

Get tickets to see Jay Leno and the Tonight Show live by writing to NBC and requesting tickets. You should give them a choice of dates when youre able to attend the show. If you dont book ahead, you may be able to get tickets at Universal Studios but this isnt guaranteed.

If you are more into TV than movies, theres still much to do in Los Angeles from TV celebrity spotting to live tapings perhaps even on the streets of the city so keep your eyes open, you never know what, or who, youll bump into!

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