Saturday, February 28, 2015

Are you a cat owner who suspects that you may

Are you a cat owner who suspects that you may be allergic to pets? If you do have a cat allergy, you may be wondering what you should. If you are looking for guidance, you will want to continue reading on, as a few helpful tips for pet owners who are allergic to their pets are outlined below.

One of the first things that you will want to do if you suspect that you are suffering from a cat allergy or another pet allergy is to examine your symptoms. Do you find yourself sneezing, with a runny nose, with nasal congestion, or postnasal drip when you are around your cat or cats? Also, do you sometimes develop a skin rash after close contact or do you find it difficult to breath without wheezing? If that is the case, you may also have a cat allergy. If that is the case, it may be a wise idea to schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider. A doctor can not only prescribe you medication, but they may be able to help you determine whether or not you truly have a pet allergy.

As for how you can seek relief, the best way is to remove your cat or cats from your home. Unfortunately, this isnt so easy for many cat owners to do. If you cannot find a good home for your cat or cats, like with a trusted friend or family member, you do not need to worry. There are still a number of steps that you can take to seek relief.

Not cuddling with your cat or cats is a great way to reduce you symptoms that are due to a cat allergy. Close contact with a cat is one of the many ways that skin rashes, like those that resemble an eczema outbreak develop. As hard as it can be to love and appreciate your animals from afar, you may need to do so, especially if your allergy symptoms are severe.

In addition to not cuddling with your cat or cats, it is also advised that you keep them off of your furniture. This includes your beds, reclining chairs, or couches. This is particularly important if you are known to lie down or nap on your living room furniture. Covers are a nice alternative. Should you choose to use cloth covers, which are more attractive, be sure to wash them every few days or whenever you notice a large accumulation of cat hair.

Another tip involves keep your cat or cats out of your bedroom. As it was previously stated, keep your cat or cats off of your bed. This can help you sleep better at night. But, just keeping your cat or cats out of your room in general is the best approach. This is likely to result in relief, as the bedroom is one of the most common rooms in the home that we use; therefore, it is where you want to seek relief the most.

Vacuuming as much as possible is another great way to limit the number allergy symptoms that you may have due to your cat or cats. Vacuuming can help to pick up some of the pet hair and pet dander that may be in your home. Vacuum cleaners that use HEPA filters come highly rated and recommended. There are now also a number of vacuum cleaners that are marketed towards pet owners. You may want to give these types of vacuum cleaners a close look.
An air purifier can also be used and should be used if you are allergic to your cat. All air purifiers remove potentially harmful particles from the air. This includes pet dander. If you have a cat allergy, the removal of pet dander from the air can be a great source of relief. You can research and find air purifiers that are marketed towards those who suffer form allergies online. As with vacuum cleaners, air purifiers that use HEPA technology, often produce the best results.

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